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David Sable

VMLY&R’s former Global CEO and COO at Wunderman Thompson. Startup Coach & Entrepreneur


CEO & Co-Founder of COR.

COR Awards is the online exclusive event for our #CORmmunity! It’s where directors, creative & professionals get together to celebrate teams and team members that have made COR an ally so they could thrive in their businesses and create better workplaces. Because we believe that the “how” is as important as the “what” we know a COR Award is the perfect opportunity to showcase your operational efficiency and your outstanding management skills.

Our #CORmmunity is getting bigger & brighter everyday, we are learning together on how to take on big challenges and for that we want to thank you and celebrate your achievements.

Awards List

United States
814 Mission St.
San Francisco, CA 94105
+1 (415) 742-8482

Honduras 5839
CABA (CP 1414)
+1 (415) 742-8482