
Benchmarks and Trends in the Marketing and Advertising Industry in 2024

Our 2nd edition of the COR Report has it all: insights for decision-making, benchmarks, agency challenges, and strategic conclusions.

Former Global CEO Young & Rubicam

Wednesday April 3

7:00 SF | 9:00 EST | 14:00 LDN | 15:00 ESP

Presented by:

Santi Bibiloni


This report is an invaluable source of information, ideas, and resources to help your agency grow and evolve in an ever-changing industry. Use this knowledge to keep your strategy fresh and ahead of the competition.

Learn about some of the topics to be discussed:

Some of the most relevant metrics in the industry:


of agencies rarely renegotiate their project budgets with the


are unaware of their billable and non-billable hours.


lack proper tracking of deviations.

At COR, we understand the challenges and pain points that agencies face today, and that’s why we seek to provide solutions to improve the way of working and achieve a more profitable operation.

In this virtual event, we will learn about the current and relevant information on the state of agencies for 2024. You will find valuable insights to make more informed decisions about your way of working.

Exclusive delivery of the COR Awards

Don’t miss the second edition of COR AWARDS, where we will celebrate our client´s achievements.

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