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Gain Visibility and co-create with your agency

More efficient and transparent alliances with COR

Brands and Agencies Co-Creating Value

The creative process is more fluid and efficient when both parties contribute the same way!

That’s why at COR, we’re offering Agencies and Brands a collaboration platform where you’ll be able to track project progress, participate in discussions, approve tasks and have a clear view of the resources invested in each project.

Whether you have your own creative team, or work with an external agency, COR is ideal for your project management, distribution resource and internal profit measurement.

COR helps agencies and brands make their processes transparent

What makes COR a big ally in the brand-agency relationship?

Save back and forth with your agency, get more fluid feedback, be more accurate with your approvals and build a more solid relationship between agency and brand.

See how other brands are using our platform to centralize operations with their agencies