Calculate how much you can improve your profitability by identifying time deviations in each project

Correctly detecting time deviations dedicated to rework or extra requests in projects allows you to increase your profitability and maintain a transparent relationship with clients when renegotiating fees.

Enter employees, average hourly value, and number of projects for an automated calculation of your current performance.
50 U$D
annual additional
detecting the time deviations of your projects with real data.

Do you want to achieve these results?

For calculations, COR benchmarks and data from the “COR Report” are taken into consideration.

– Full Time Day: 160 hours per month per FTE.
– Deviation Benchmark: 20% of an agency’s projects (accounts/brands) have deviations. The deviations are 110%.
– The results are provided for informational purposes only. We do not guarantee or assure specific results.

If you manage to identify and make visible to your clients the additional hours a project takes, which are not included in the initial budget, you will achieve a significant impact on the profitability of your agency.

Schedule a session with our experts and identify the deviations in your projects:

Discover how to detect time deviations and renegotiate fees with concrete data. Get personalized advice. Schedule now and boost your performance!