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Discover how The Juju maximizes its productivity with COR and achieves 87% in billable hours


From its inception, The Juju has stood out as a comprehensive creative agency, part of the Untold_ ecosystem.

This group specializes in connecting brands with people through personalized communication strategies.

The agency is dedicated to creating value through tailored solutions that drive client growth in an increasingly competitive environment.

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Challenges Faced

The agency sought an efficient solution to organize and optimize resource management and improve productivity in their Traffic meetings. They needed to maximize operational efficiency, gain greater visibility into resource allocation, maintain a high percentage of billable hours, and reduce internal hours.

Solution Implemented with COR

To enhance resource planning and management, The Juju adopted COR’s Planner functionality.

This tool has transformed their Traffic meetings into organized and effective sessions, improving both internal communication and planning for their clients.

With Planner, they achieved full visibility into task assignments and execution, optimizing billable time and reducing unnecessary workload.

Results Achieved

Operational Efficiency: The adoption of Planner resulted in a centralized view of resources, enabling The Juju to achieve an impressive 87% in billable hours in 2024. Considering the 82% benchmark proposed by COR, The Juju Colombia stands out as one of the most efficient agencies, performing well above the standard.

A consolidated structure of internal hours allows detailed management of non-billable time, helping maximize profitability and optimally distribute resources.

By using COR’s Reworks functionality, the agency gains key insights to renegotiate fees and minimize adjustments to projects, improving overall efficiency and client satisfaction.

“Con ellos hemos venido trabajando súper bien con su software de administración de proyectos, y la data que nos dan es realmente valiosa (no solo interna, sino benchmarks de industria contra los que es súper bueno compararse).”
Mauricio Garnier, CEO de Garnier BBDO.


Implementing COR has enabled The Juju to optimize its processes and solidify its position as a leader in creativity and operational efficiency.

Thanks to the visibility and control provided by Planner, the agency has achieved a remarkable increase in productivity and billable hours, exceeding the industry benchmark.

The collaboration with COR has been instrumental in achieving higher profitability, enhancing client experiences, and strengthening the agency’s operational structure.