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COR Initial Setup and Technical Support

Initial Setup

The initial setup process is designed for effectively uploading CLIENT´S information to COR´s software. Responsibilities:

  • COR Support Team is accountable for delivering CLIENT the detail on what information is needed for effectively creating and uploading Customer information related with: Users, Customers, Brands and Fees. For this purpose COR Support Team can be using different formats as, for example: Excel Sheets and Google Spreadsheets. COR is not accountable for migrating current project data to the platform, this particular task is included in the Change Management Process.
  • CLIENT is accountable for delivering SUPPLIER all needed information in the previously stated formats. The initial Setup cannot be finished until CLIENT delivers all requested information.

Initial Setup process to be finished two business days after the complete form is delivered by CLIENT, all CLIENT´S collaborators to receive access by email automatically once the Initial Setup process is finished.

When CLIENT has less than 20 licences COR Support Team may enable auto-Setup based on tutorials.

Technical Support

SUPPLIER to provide CUSTOMER with 7x24x365 Technical Support throughout all the contract length. COR Support Team provides assistance regarding specific issues with the application functioning and is not accountable for solving concerns related with how to use the platform. All assistance and Training related with Application usage is included in the Adoption Management Process.

CLIENT should open a ticket with COR Support Team either by email at or through the online chat located in the application. SUPPLIER to update CLIENT ticket´s status by email or chat.

Change Management

Change Management is the process, tools and techniques applied for managing the people side of change to achieve a required business outcome. COR solution impacts directly on Systems and Processes generating short and long term benefits to the CLIENT.

In order to achieve an effective change in CLIENT’S Organization, COR defined best in breed Change Management Process for ensuring the solution is effectively adopted by the CLIENT. Change Management Scope of Work includes:

  • Project Kick Off: Define Sponsors, Goals, Timing, Resources, Communication
  • Account Creation and Data Migration
  • Digital Transformation Workshop and Project Templates construction
  • Training as previously defined in Project Kick Off
  • Change Management Process Closure and Survey

Adoption Management

The Change Management Process Ends with the formal Project Closure once all detailed actions stated in the Kick Off are effectively delivered.

COR Adoption Management Process Scope of Work includes the following reports to be delivered to the Customer:

  • Monthly usage report
  • Quarterly ROI estimation reports
  • Value Added Report based on CLIENT´S processes

In addition to previously mentioned reports, COR includes in Adoption Management two Professional Services Packs:

  • Pack 1: 5 monthly Hours included
  • Pack 2: 10 monthly Hours included

These Packs are cumulative and only expire if contract is finished. COR to inform hours usage either by email or by the Application.