Be part of the industry’s most important Annual Report!

Get to know our integrations!

Connect COR with your favorite tools and automate your operation and daily processes.

Discover how we simplify your operation


Integrate 4.000+ platforms with COR and customize your workflow towards automation.

Google Calendar

Automate the tracking of hours spent in a meeting.


Manage your projects, track your hourly costs and get metrics synchronized with your ERP.


Add accountancy system and synchronize your incomes and expenditures.Also, bill your projects by approved hours and amounts.

Outlook Calendar

Synchronize COR tasks in your calendar.

Microsoft Teams

Unify your operation by synchronizing tasks and projects. Automate also the traking of hours.

Microsoft Dynamics

Integrate your billing system and boost your project managment.


Associate your pull request to tasks and track them from COR.

One Drvie

Streamline and increase the file uploading capacity.

Google Drive

Streamline and increase the file uploading capacity.


Streamline and increase the file uploading capacity.


Integrate your directory with your COR account and automate user updates.


Add profitability metrics and performance to your management. Besides, automate time tracking.


Streamline and increase the file uploading capacity.


integrate your directory with your COR account and automate user updates.

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