Calculate how much you can improve your profitability by increasing your billable hours
Increase your billable hours to 82% by reducing the time spent on internal matters, achieving a significant impact on your agency’s profitability.
Ready to achieve these results?
For the calculations, COR benchmarks and data obtained from the “COR Report” are taken into consideration.
1. Full Time Day: 160 hours monthly per FTE.
2. Billable hours benchmark: 82% of total hours.
3. Average billable hours without management tools for professional services: 72% of total hours.
The results are provided for informational purposes only. We do not guarantee or ensure specific results.
Billable hours case study
A creative agency in Latin America has approximately 100 employees and a total of 15,360 billable hours per month. After six months of using the solution, we conducted an initial diagnosis and found that 73.7% of the time was billable; this meant that over 25% of the time was allocated to internal matters, such as team meetings, training, and licenses.
We noted that if the agency increased its billable hours by reducing the time spent on internal matters, it could increase its billing opportunity by 8 points, raising the billable hours from 73.7% to 82%, equivalent to 1,200 hours.

In other words, these 1,200 hours that were allocated to internal matters could now become hours available for billing.
"A small improvement in internal efficiency can have a significant impact on billing."
Achieved Results