#Resource Management

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Freelancer or In-House: Pros and Cons When Hiring New Talent

Work dynamics within businesses and companies has varied a lot thanks to remote work. The possibility of using resources which are external to the company has favored the expansion and growth of many organizations.

Within remote work options, you can find freelancers: people who work independently, providing specific services.

Nowadays, freelancers are quite a popular resource since companies can hire them for a specific project, which will mean fewer costs than those related to an in-house worker. Among the advantages of hiring freelancers, we can find the following:


Fewer costs

The contract is restricted to a specific service, within a stipulated time frame. Reductions on taxes and benefits are significant compared to those of an in-house worker.

Big Freelancer market

Nowadays, the freelancers’ market is really big. The proliferation of platforms which allow freelancers to publish their profile, and in which other people are able to see references of their works, enables the choice of the appropriate profile based on the needs of the company.

Freelancer High performance

Usually, independent workers have their own client portfolio. Hence, they will try to offer the best service possible so as to ensure a recurrent work relationship.

The joker’s resource

When developing a project you can observe shortcomings over certain areas of your work group. The fact of hiring a freelancer might be the solution for complementing the skills of your in-house group for said project.

However, not all are advantages when choosing this kind of resources since you may miss certain aspects such as: the construction of a fluent work relationship, the loyalty towards the company, the possibility of training and increasing the working value of said person, a detailed level of monitoring, and all disadvantages which appear due to not being part, physically, of the daily routine of the work group.

Due to this, a new model has appeared: in-house freelancers. These people are hired for fulfilling a specific goal within the company. However, they are present physically and this enables them to create bonds with the rest of the members of the organization therefore building up a stronger relationship which benefits both the company and the worker.


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