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Advertising Salaries: Will Agencies Pay Less After the Pandemic?

In March 2021, BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti announced widespread layoffs of HuffPost employees, shutting down HuffPost Canada entirely. This followed extensive layoffs of previously furloughed employees and other staff in 2020. 

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem as though the damage will be confined to last year and the previous. The Coronavirus pandemic has been characterized by furloughs, pay cuts, hiring freezes, layoffs, and consolidations across industries. In advertising, major agencies like WPP, Omnicom, Havas, IPG, Publicis, and Dentsu Aegis Network have all been affected.

Will this trend continue after the pandemic? What can advertising agencies and talented employees expect in a post-pandemic world?

Project Profitability

How Has the Pandemic Changed Advertising?

There is no doubt that the global pandemic has affected every individual, every organization, and every sector. Thanks to swift lockdowns across the world, most businesses pivoted to remote work models if it was feasible for the nature of the field. 

For advertising, COVID-19 has meant a shift in consumer behaviors. That, in turn, has led to a conceptualization of the way brands interact with and engage with their customers.

In 2020, the first year of the pandemic, many advertisers were forced to reduce their spending as a result of dramatic budget cuts and a huge reduction in client spending, all part of the economic downturn.

In fact, by April 2020, 89% of B2C companies said that they had delayed campaigns due to the worldwide coronavirus outbreak. Advertisers pivoted their plans, reassessing them in light of the changes in consumer habits, budget cuts, staffing adjustments, and what had become the “new normal.”

But in 2021, around the world, the ad market began to make a comeback. During the year, all global regions experienced an uptick in ad total spend of upwards of 9%. But a report by Statista cautions that this trend may not persist into 2022, projecting that the growth would slow to pre-COVID levels.

What Opportunities Exist During and After the COVID-19 Crisis?

Salesforce’s seventh annual State of Marketing report finds that 19% of B2B marketing budgets are focused on advertising. Meanwhile, 44% of B2B marketers have overhauled their strategies, looking to new channels to account for the shifts in consumer behavior, while another 45% said they had “somewhat changed” their blend of channels in light of these insights.

This, of course, means that new approaches are becoming critical to the advertising landscape in this new normal. For some advertising agencies, opportunities that were previously untapped have become vehicles of growth potential.

Social Media Boom

With more and more people spending the majority of their time at home, rather than in the office, social media has become even more of a draw than it already had been. And advertisers are taking note. 

Increasingly, advertising agencies are spending a huge percentage of their digital marketing budgets on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. According to Salesforce’s report, 91% of marketing firms are now leveraging social media as part of their overall strategies. 

By 2025, Amazon, Meta, and Alphabet could account for approximately half of the advertising market, research from WARC Data shows. This is at least partly thanks to enormous growth in the social media advertising market in recent years.

A Huge Uptick in e-Commerce

Ecommerce has boomed over the course of the pandemic. Fear of contagion — not to mention so many retail stores shuttering their brick and mortar locations, at least in the early days of COVID — prompted consumers to stay home and do their shopping online. Digital retail sales increase by 32.4% year over year in 2020 and were up 38% in the first quarter of 2021, according to Digital Commerce 360.

Ecommerce is continuing to surge as we kick-off 2022. As a result, advertising agencies are shifting their strategies and ramping up their spending on digital marketing. This is an enormous opportunity for these businesses, which could see revenue growth thanks to this space.

An Increase in Video and Audio Content

Many consumers are no longer going elsewhere for entertainment — they are accessing it in the comfort of their own homes. Audio and video content is, therefore, becoming an all-the-more-important type of marketing and advertising, as users turn to their personal devices to watch and listen to media. 

The Salesforce study shows that two-thirds of survey respondents called audio, including podcasts and streaming ads, the most frequently used platform for their marketing efforts in the previous year and a half. 

Meanwhile, online brands have increased their linear television advertising spending by 37% since 2019, according to a report from Marketing Week.

With viewing habits changing — escalating, in fact — engagement with at-home streaming services, including YouTube, is skyrocketing across various devices. This presents a huge opportunity for the advertising industry, which can revamp its strategy to gear its efforts to streaming and audio content, engaging more users.

Time tracking & estimation

Challenges for and Impact of COVID-19 on the Advertising Industry

There have been plenty of opportunities for advertising agencies. However, the impact of COVID-19 hasn’t been positive overall. These are just some of the challenges advertisers have faced over the course of the pandemic.

Lower Budgets

Global marketing budgets currently amount to just 6.4% of overall business revenue, according to Gartner’s annual CMO Spend Survey (July 2021), a record low. This is down from 11% in 2020. It is also lower than previously projected

For employees of advertising and marketing agencies, this has meant, in many cases, steep salary reductions. In some cases, it has resulted not just in salary cuts but job losses altogether.

Revenue, too, is down for advertising agencies. It saw a decline of 3.1% in 2020.

Loss of Clients

The pandemic has also meant a loss of clients for many advertising agencies. With businesses facing economic — and other — uncertainty, not to mention losses in revenue, they have been forced to employ cost-cutting measures. Advertising is one expense that has taken a hit, and this is not only impacting the businesses themselves but the agencies they turn to.


Across the board, corporate debt rose during the pandemic. This is true for small advertising agencies and larger companies alike. In the midst of these financial concerns, salary reductions, as well as layoffs, are an unfortunate solution for many businesses.

Difficulties for Freelancers

Job losses haven’t only impacted full-time workers. Freelancers, too, have taken a hit during this uncertain and constantly fluctuating job market. Independent contractors are faced with long-term clients who can no longer pay them for their efforts and therefore must terminate contracts. 

Meanwhile, freelancers are also struggling to find new work, which is necessary for keeping them afloat. With advertising agencies reducing their overall budgets and laying off workers, they are sometimes finding that they cannot accommodate new workers, even those who are not full-time.

That said, as the advertising industry focuses on making a comeback after a particularly difficult period in our collective history, freelancers could be making a return to some semblance of normalcy, too. They may even find greater opportunities, as businesses of all types find that contractors are a more cost-effective solution to meeting their various needs.

Economic Global Crisis

Of course, no industry is unaffected by the economic global crisis. This is leading to spending reductions across the gamut. As we have underscored, organizations of all types have been faced with budget cuts, furloughs, layoffs, and hiring freezes. 

That said, a McKinsey Global Institute survey of 860 executives found that companies that are in the top growth quartile are investing 2.6 times as much in intangibles, including advertising and branding, as those that are in the bottom half for growth. This suggests that spending on intangibles like advertising is a strategic move for a business, which could mean another opportunity for the advertising sector.

Project Management

Will Salaries See a Return to Pre-pandemic Rates?

With many sectors recovering their pre-COVID advertising budgets in 2022, we could very well see an uptick in ad spend this year. While we’re in the midst of an unprecedented Great Resignation, advertising agencies must struggle to retain and attract talent and devote their efforts to staffing their businesses with exceptional professionals. Salary increases are an obvious solution to both retention and recruitment.

But will this actually translate to higher salaries — or even a return to pre-pandemic levels? Historically, advertising has never been known for generous pay. But no business is in a position to skimp on compensating talent these days.

One obvious solution to aid advertising agencies is software like Cor. This project management technology informs creative organizations to allow them to make sound business decisions. C-suite leaders and project managers will gain visibility over their operations, allowing them to measure productivity and see where they should invest their budgets and time. Meanwhile, creatives and other professionals — the real assets — will be better equipped to prioritize their responsibilities and optimize their workflows.

What are we going to talk about in this article?

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The Importance of Tracking Hours and Having Visibility in Your Agency

New Feature Break Time

This feature works the same as the working time configuration, meaning it can be set both at the company and user levels, with the user’s setting overriding the company’s.

For existing companies, no default break time will be configured, so you can adjust it 1:1 with your clients.

For new companies created after the feature’s production release, a default working time of 9 AM to 6 PM, with a 1-hour break, will be assigned. This is fully configurable and editable.

Nova Funcionalidade Integrações ERPs

VBS : Integração nativa do ERP brasileiro, projetado para a indústria com alcance internacional. Solução recomendada para Enterprise.

Alegra : Integração via Zapier do ERP com maior alcance em toda a América Latina. Solução recomendada para SMB.

Nova Funcionalidade Visualização Planner

Esta visualização permite planejar, distribuir e controlar o tempo da equipe.

Inclui a integração com calendários externos e um fluxo de carga de tempo mais rápido e automático.
Realize o tráfego da sua operação dentro do COR para agilizar suas equipes e automatizar a posterior carga de horas.
Redesign de Visualização Quadros personalizáveis de tarefas

Esta visualização permite criar seus próprios quadros personalizados, onde, a partir de múltiplos filtros, você pode agrupar as tarefas pela informação que se ajusta à sua operação.

Escolha seus próprios filtros para ordenar e agrupar tarefas de forma rápida e fácil. Os usuários podem ver aquelas tarefas em que estão atribuídos como PM, Colaborador ou Seguidor.
Esses quadros são dinâmicos e podem ser salvos, editados e excluídos.
Nova Funcionalidade Módulo de Automação

Com este novo módulo, é possível automatizar a carga de horas de todos os eventos no seu calendário, incluindo os não recorrentes.

Escolha os parâmetros pelos quais deseja carregar os eventos e poderá ver em seu calendário os eventos que serão carregados automaticamente.
Nova Funcionalidade Bloqueio do COR

Este recurso permite bloquear o acesso ao COR para quem não registrar um percentual mínimo de horas.

Este percentual será definido pela agência, juntamente com a frequência, data e os papéis que serão controlados por meio desta funcionalidade.

Essa funcionalidade permite automatizar o mapeamento de uma carga saudável de horas por meio da plataforma.

Nova Funcionalidade Bloqueio do COR

Aqueles papéis que não tiverem registrado horas serão notificados 24 ou 48 horas antes (dependendo da frequência escolhida) de que as funcionalidades do COR serão limitadas.

Eles podem optar por regularizar a carga de horas por meio do botão ou pular este passo.

Nova Funcionalidade Bloqueio do COR

Se, até a data escolhida pela empresa, os papéis selecionados tiverem uma carga de horas abaixo do mínimo requerido, a ferramenta será bloqueada.

Nova Funcionalidade Licenças e Férias

Nossa proposta de valor: que nossos usuários tenham 100% de visibilidade real sobre a disponibilidade de seus recursos.

Com essa funcionalidade, permitimos que nossos usuários computem licenças, subtraindo tempo de sua capacidade. Isso facilita a gestão, atribuição de tarefas, visibilidade sobre excesso de trabalho, antecipação da necessidade de novos recursos, registro de horas não disponíveis ou não faturáveis, entre outros.
Nova Funcionalidade Planejamento de Capacidade

O novo módulo de Planejamento de Capacidade permite alocar recursos de forma eficaz, reservando o tempo de seus recursos em múltiplos projetos, visualizando a disponibilidade dos mesmos.

O módulo permite selecionar os usuários com base em suas posições e categorias, facilitando a atribuição das pessoas adequadas para cada projeto.
Nova Funcionalidade Planejamento de Capacidade

Uma vez selecionada a equipe para esse projeto, é possível fazer reservas de tempo dos recursos em uma ou várias linhas temporais, garantindo a disponibilidade para o projeto nas datas escolhidas.

Nova Funcionalidade Planejamento de Capacidade

Além disso, o módulo oferece visualização de percentuais de capacidade e disponibilidade por área, categoria, posição, operação, entre outros.

Essas métricas permitem controlar e planejar o melhor sistema de staffing em Clientes e Projetos, assegurando a disponibilidade dos recursos e visualizando possíveis contratações futuras.
Nova Funcionalidade Horário de Descanso

Funciona da mesma forma que o horário de trabalho, ou seja, pode ser configurado tanto no nível da empresa quanto no nível do usuário, prevalecendo a configuração do usuário sobre a da empresa.

Para as empresas já existentes, não será configurado nenhum horário de descanso por padrão, para que você possa ajustar conforme necessário com seus clientes.

Para as novas empresas criadas após a implementação, será atribuído um horário de trabalho padrão de 9h às 18h, com 1 hora de intervalo para descanso; essa configuração pode ser completamente ajustada e editada.

New Feature ERP Integrations

VBS : Native integration of a Brazilian ERP designed for the industry with international reach. Recommended solution for Enterprise.

Alegra : Zapier-based integration of the ERP with the broadest reach across Latin America. Recommended solution for SMB.

Improvements Rework Tracking

These improvements provide greater visibility into rework details:

  • Rework Classification: Identify whether deviations stem from client requests or internal rework.
  • Setting deadlines.
  • Ability to attach files to rework (up to 10).
  • Update the task deadline to match the rework deadline (checkbox).
  • Edit the last rework created (deadline, collaborators, description, and attached files).
  • Assign responsibility for rework.
  • View consolidated history.
  • Attach files to the rework.
  • Output visualization: See in Dashboards>Deviations the time spent on rework and for which task/client the rework was done. Evaluate whether it’s necessary to renegotiate rates with the client for corrections and changes.

This allows us to provide better insights and more granular details on deviations.

New Feature Planner View

This view allows you to plan, distribute, and manage your team’s time.

It includes external calendar integration and a faster, more automatic time-tracking flow.
Manage your traffic operations within COR to streamline your teams and automate time logging afterward.
View Redesign Customizable Task Boards

This view allows you to create your own customized boards, where you can group tasks based on multiple filters that align with your operation.

Choose your own filters to quickly and easily sort and group tasks. Users can see the tasks where they are assigned as Project Manager, Collaborator, or Follower.
These boards are dynamic and can be saved, edited, and deleted.
New Feature Time Tracking Automation Module

With this new module, you can automate time tracking for all events in your calendar, including non-recurring ones.

Select the parameters by which you want to track events, and you’ll see those events automatically marked in your calendar.
New Feature COR Lock

This feature allows you to block access to COR for users who don't log a minimum percentage of hours.

This percentage will be defined by the agency along with the frequency, date, and roles to be controlled through this functionality.
This feature frees up operational overhead by automating the healthy logging of hours through the platform.
New Feature COR Lock

Users who haven’t logged hours will be prompted to do so 24 or 48 hours before COR functionality is restricted (depending on the selected frequency).

They can choose to regularize their logs via the time tracking button or skip this step.
New Feature COR Lock

If, by the date set by the company, the selected roles have logged fewer hours than the minimum required, COR access will be blocked.

New Feature Licenses and Vacation

Our value proposition: giving our users 100% real-time visibility into their resource availability.

With this functionality, users can track vacation time, subtracting it from their available capacity. This helps with task management, assignment, visibility of overwork, anticipating the need for new or additional resources, logging non-billable hours, and more.
New Feature Capacity Planning

The new Capacity Planning module allows you to efficiently allocate resources by reserving your team’s time across multiple projects while visualizing their availability.

The module enables user selection based on their roles and categories, making it easier to assign the right people to each project.
New Feature Capacity Planning

Once the team is selected for the project, you can reserve their time across one or multiple timelines, ensuring their availability for the project on the specified dates.

New Feature Capacity Planning

Additionally, this module offers capacity and availability metrics by area, category, role, operation, and more.

These metrics allow you to control and design the best staffing system for Clients and Projects, ensuring resource availability and identifying future hiring needs.


Estas melhorias permitem visualizar mais informações sobre os retrabalhos.

  • Classificação de retrabalhos: Identifique se os desvios vêm de pedidos de clientes ou de retrabalhos internos.
  • Estabelecimento de prazos.
  • Possibilidade de anexar arquivos (até 10) ao retrabalho.
  • Atualização do prazo da tarefa para coincidir com o prazo do retrabalho (checkbox).
  • Edição do último retrabalho criado (prazo, colaboradores, descrição e anexos).
  • Atribuição de responsáveis.
  • Consulta de histórico consolidado.
  • Anexar arquivos ao retrabalho.
  • Visualização de resultados: Veja nos Dashboards>Desvios o tempo carregado em retrabalhos e para qual tarefa/cliente o retrabalho foi realizado. Avalie se é necessário renegociar tarifas com o cliente por correções e mudanças.

Isso nos permite oferecer melhores insights e mais granularidade nos desvios.