
Exclusive webinar with David Sable + COR Awards 2024

A space where we bring together pioneers and leaders in technology, advertising and marketing to talk about the most challenging topics for the industry.

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“How can Artificial Intelligence empower the Advertising Industry.” 

By Ivan Bercovich

 Engineering Executive (Ex Amazon). 

 “2022: Challenges and Opportunities for the Ad&Mkt Industry.”

By Dagmara Szulce

Global Managing Director of the International Advertising Association. 

Blog Notes

Burnout in Consulting Firms: How to Detect and Curb It

Burnout is a serious problem that can affect both the health of employees and the performance of a consulting firm. Detecting and stopping burnout early...

Why Should You Know Your Consulting Firm’s Metrics?

When you run a consulting firm, there are many things you need to keep under control: from customer satisfaction to operational efficiency. However, one of...

Plan your resources in advance and improve your agency’s productivity

Efficient resource management is key to driving an agency’s profitability. 1 in 4 agencies need visibility of all their operational information in one place. Lack...

5 Keys to Improving Your Agency’s Profitability with COR

If you have a creative agency with a small team, you know how challenging it can be to stay profitable. Brilliant ideas flow, but how...

Steps to identify which services generate the most profit

Having a clear and transparent understanding of daily operations is the main key to making informed and effective decisions. Profitability optimization starts with transparency and...

Three Negative Impacts of Rework and a Solution: COR

Rework in a creative agency can manifest in various ways: from minor design corrections to structural changes in an entire advertising campaign. Regardless of its...

Overcome Excel’s Barriers with COR for Smarter Project Management

Introduction Small teams are crucial for innovation and business growth due to their agility and adaptability. However, even these teams can face obstacles if they...

The Power of Clear Objectives: A Guide to Successful Projects

Before embarking on any project, it is essential to establish clear and achievable objectives. These objectives provide a clear direction for the entire team and...

Eight Tips for Keeping Your Clients Happy Without Taking a Loss

Customer satisfaction is a fundamental pillar for the success of any consulting firm. However, keeping clients happy without compromising profitability can be challenging. Below, we...

From Chaos to Control: Steps to Efficiently Organize Your Team

In the creative agency industry, managing interdisciplinary teams can be a monumental challenge. Designers, copywriters, strategists, and developers work together on projects that require precise...

Four Keys to Efficiency and Organization in Your Consulting Firm

Project management tools are essential for maintaining efficiency and organization in any consulting firm. Proper implementation of these tools not only optimizes workflow but also...

Ten Tips for Successfully Organizing Your Projects: A Guide for Agencies

Project management is the backbone of any successful agency. From initial planning to final delivery, every step must be carefully organized to ensure optimal results....

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